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Canada Pension Plan (CPP) Disability Benefit (Disponible en Français)

Canada Pension Plan (CPP) provides disability benefits to people who have made enough contributions to the CPP and who are disabled and cannot work at any job on a regular basis. To qualify for a disability benefit under the Canada Pension Plan you must first qualify for the federal Disability Tax Credit (described above). The CPP Disability Benefit may provide: • A taxable monthly payment that is available to people who have contributed to the CPP and who are not able to work regularly because of a disability. In addition, you may qualify for a Children’s Benefit (described below). • If you are eligible under the terms of CPP legislation, your disability benefits will start the fourth month after the month you are determined to be disabled. You may receive up to maximum of 12 months of retroactive payments from the date your application was received.

Children’s benefit. This is a monthly benefit for dependent children (under age 18 or between 18 and 25 and attending school or university full-time) of someone receiving a CPP disability benefit. The monthly children’s benefit is a flat rate that is adjusted annually. In 2019, the rate is $250.27.

Autism Connections Fredericton, 2025
Website funded by The Windsor Foundation