Canadian Council on Rehabilitation and Work Employment Services
This organization helps people with disabilities to break down barriers to employment.
ASERT (Autism Services, Education, Resources and Training)
ASERT (Autism Services, Education, Resources and Training) is a partnership of providers involved in treatment and care of autistic individuals.
Easter Seals — New Brunswick (Disponible en Français)
Easter Seals NB is a non-profit organization working in partnership with persons with disabilities.
VIVA Therapeutic Services: Services for Preschool Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (Disponible en Français)
The New Brunswick Preschool Autism Program allows preschool children diagnosed with ASD to access up to 20 hours per week of early intervention.
AASPIRE Healthcare Toolkit
AASPIRE provides primary care resources for adults on the Autism Spectrum and their primary care providers.
Autism Learning Partnership (Disponible en Français)
Autism Learning Partnership is a branch of the New Brunswick Department of Education and Early Childhood Development provides evidence-based resources
Wearing a Mask — A Social Narrative for Children by Autism Little Learners
This is a social story for children with ASD explaining why we should wear face masks during COVID-19 pandemic and what we can and cannot do.
Autism Connections Fredericton, 2024
Website funded by The Windsor Foundation